
Below are some ways you can be involved as FBC Marvell seeks to be the hands and feet of Jesus.


Blanket Ministry Logo

 Through our Covered With Love Ministry, we seek to serve the patients at the Dialysis Center in Helena with embroidered blankets to keep warm during treatments. If you would like to be involved in helping donating or delivering blankets, please contact the missions team or the FBC offices.

HPW Logo 2

We are pleased to partner with Brian Womack, founder of High Plains Waterfowl Ministries, located in St. Charles, AR. Each year, HPW seeks to share the gospel with men who come to experience duck hunting here in the our area. It is a time of evangelism, fellowship, and discipleship. If you would like to be involved or to donate to the awesome ministry, please visit hpwfowl.com for more information.